Regarding our company's response to close contact with COVID-19 case:新型コロナウイルス感染者との濃厚接触時の当社における対応について
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- Regarding our company's response to close contact with COVID-19 case:新型コロナウイルス感染者との濃厚接触時の当社における対応について
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Regarding our company's response to close contact with COVID-19 case:新型コロナウイルス感染者との濃厚接触時の当社における対応について
昨年12月31日(木)、弊社お客様お一方が帰国準備のために新型コロナウイルスのPCR検査を受けたところ陽性反応が確認されましたが、翌日1月1日(金)の精密検査で実は陰性であったことが判明し、担当医師より即時帰宅を認められ、現在では、保健省 (Ministry of Health, “MOH”)の了承のもと普段どおりに生活されています。本お客様は常時在宅勤務されており、旧年中に当社へ訪問されたことはありませんでした。
MOHの指導のもと、現在、本お客様との濃厚接触者 (1名)と濃厚接触の疑いのある者 (2 名)とされた者がMOHに指定された期間のStay Home Notice (“SHN”)を全うするため、自宅、および政府施設に隔離されている状況です。
Aoyama Sogo Accounting Office Singapore
取締役 長縄 順一
4 January 2021
Dear Clients and business partners
This is to announce that one of our clients tested positive for COVID-19 on 31 December 2020 (Thursday).
He was tested for the second time the following day on 1 January 2021 (Friday) of which the result came back negative and discharged from the hospital. He works from home at all times and never physically visited our office during the year 2020.
In response to this incident, we are following the guidance and orders from the Ministry of Health (“MOH”).
One employee who are regarded as a “close contact” and two others as “suspected close contact” are currently serving Stay Home Notice (SHN) for the period designated by the MOH and in quarantine either at home or at the government facilities.
The well-being and safety of our employees, clients, business partners and everyone who has dealings with our firm are of utmost importance to us. Thus, until 13 January 2021, the last day of SHN and where 3 members of staff shall officially be cleared of quarantine by the MOH, we will be avoiding any physical contacts/meetings with clients and any other external personnel and visitors, accordingly, all the business meetings and discussions shall be carried out online. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause.
The firm’s operations and services continue on a business-as-usual basis.
Should you have any queries, please contact our accountant, Shinobu Sugiyama at or on +65 6692 8080.
We thank you for your continuing support.
Yours faithfully
Naganawa Junichi
Aoyama Sogo Accounting Office Singapore Pte Ltd